With a steady increase in obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, weight has become a public health goal. It is unfortunately not always easy to lose weight permanently and are frequently observed weight times after dieting. US researchers have studied the reasons for these failures.
Ghrelin is one of the culprits...
Surgical treatments include reducing gastric volume give good long-term results, however, the plans are struggling to overcome the obesity. Fault is (in part at least!) To ghrelin. This hormone produced by the stomach and intestine was discovered last year by a team of researchers from the University of Baltimore. They have since shown that stimulated recently appétit. Plus David Cummings and colleagues found that blood levels of this hormone increased after a diet, so that they remained constant in people who lost weight through treatment chirurgical. Selon researchers, it is this increase in ghrelin levels which would be responsible for weight regain after dieting by stimulating the appetite of patients.
... But not alone
If molecules blocking the action of ghrelin may be considered as future drugs for the treatment of obesity, it does not forget that eating behaviors are very often dependent on many factors, especially cultural or environmental. Thus, we sometimes eat when we are depressed or we suffer from eating disorders and not necessarily because you are hungry!
Video: http://bit.ly/1yCXnYb
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