Dieting: recommendations before summer

Summer is coming and we all want to lose weight, including thinner! While the media are full of all kinds of promotional schemes, health authorities recall the health risks of dieting and renew the recommendations of good sense.

All candidates for weight loss, even thinner!

According to a survey by the National Health Security Agency (Anses)conducted in 2007 (Inca study), over 30% of women "normal" weight and 15% of women "thin" had followed a diet during the year or in the year preceding the survey.

As for Nutrinet study, it shows that "nearly two out of three women of normal weight are dieting and 27% of normal weight men say they want to lose weight. »

In other words, this "drive for thinness" concerns everyone.

Worried, the authorities have conducted an expertise to assess risks related to the monitoring of dieting. The results published in 2010 pointed "the fact that dieting practiced without recommendation or followed by a specialist, could present a risk to health. »

With the approach of summer, it is important to remember that finding and warnings that result.

Breast cancer and weight gain: what relationship?

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In the year following a breast cancer, women take an average of 2.5 to 4 kg. How to explain this decision weight? Is the risk the same for all women? Is it beneficial to lose weight vis-à-vis cancer? Answers to all these questions with Dr. David Elia *.

What is the relationship between breast cancer and taking weight?

Dr. David Elia There increasingly survivors cancer and in particular breast cancer . This is related to medical advances and treatments more effective. In France, 40,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed annually and 75-80% of women survive during the first year and resume their lives forever. Among the problems after breast cancer , figure the weight gain. In fact, women who have had breast cancer are on average 2.5 to 4 kg in a year, especially if they followed chemotherapy (1). In some women, this increase in weight can reach up to 12 kg. We also observe that obese women often have cancer recurrence than thinner? The question is whether losing weight is actually beneficial in the prevention of recurrence cancer. Indeed, if after the ordeal of cancer, it is necessary to fight for weight management, you really make it worth the shot (beyond the cardiovascular benefit).

What are the causes of weight gain after cancer?

Dr. David Elia: Chemotherapy is a factor contributing to weight gain .Specifically, chemotherapy tends to increase fat mass and lean mass decrease slightly. Stress and anxiety generated by cancer and supported, can lead to changes in eating behavior and overweight. Age also plays a role because with time the basic metabolism decreases and energy needs. Thus, it naturally tends to gain weight with age, which is particularly visible between 50 and 60 years. Fatigue and depression, almost inevitable in cancer, logically accompanied by a decline in untreated menopause physique.La activity (hormone treatment is cons-indicated in cases of breast cancer) and estrogen deficiency which promotes the localization of fat on the abdomen and upper body, as in hommes.Et finally, adjuvant hormonal therapies (anti-aromatase), which administered for several years after surgery, chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy, are the source of great fatigue and joint pain are not conducive to physical activity and conducive to weight gain .

Running helps you lose weight

Many people smoke to avoid getting bigger, or not to aggravate their overweight. But there is a much more effective and much less expensive method: the foot race! 

Cigarettes, and one of its active ingredients, nicotine, indeed cause a general activation of the metabolism and a rise in the total calorie expenditure, which, if your contributions are not increasing, will result in a slight loss of weight. But the race walk also activates the metabolism, even outside the calories you spend! It is estimated that 15 to 20 minutes of daily race equivalent to the effect on the weight of a pack of cigarettes. Many people, aware of the dangers of smoking have therefore set to run to break the cycle of dependency. All attempts are not very successful.


Obesity: why do you want to lose weight?

Until today, the answer was clear: to reduce cardiovascular risk and diabetes. A new study assessing the mortality of those who lost weight or not, refines this logic?

Today, the France has nearly 20 million adults overweight or obese. For many years, the fight against overweight is part of the public health actions. Indeed, the excess weight is associated with increased cardiovascular risk and type 2 mellitus diabetes. One can expect that the weight loss in obese subjects accompanied by an improvement of the cardiovascular profile, a decrease in the risk of diabetes and a decrease in mortality.

This is true for those with cardiovascular actual risk (hypertension, cholesterol and / or triglycerides, fasting glucose greater than 1.10 g / l).However, for overweight subjects, showing no effective cardiovascular risk, weight loss or fat increases mortality, whereas weight maintenance is beneficial.

Excess mortality has been evaluated in a population of nearly 3,000 overweight or obese subjects with no cardiovascular risk. The authors divided the volunteers into groups according to their intention to lose weight and the actual weight loss achieved. They note as well as weight loss, intentional or not, has no effect on mortality at six. Thus, people who have lost weight and those who have taken have an excess mortality of 43% and 46% respectively, compared with those who maintained a stable weight. And it is precisely the subjects who intended to lose weight, but the weight remained stable, which have the lowest mortality. As for the higher mortality is observed among subjects who lost weight intentionally. And this, even compared to people who lost weight unintentionally.

To lose weight, write !

You think that your diet is balanced, and yet your extra pounds cling. You are always trying to start dieting to lose weight, without finding one that will combine efficiency and realism. And if the solution was to start a newspaper?

Weight and diet 

Often, the reason for which the schemes do not suit us, it is that they are not suitable to our eating habits. So, either they are too difficult and we do respect them not enough to lose the pounds... Either they do not mention our real bad habits that we keep therefore (as well as our dimples!). So you lose weight, changes must be tailored to what you eat. It's simple, and even silly, and yet few of us are really aware of what they eat. Even the weight loss professionals underestimate the amount of calories that they absorbed, according to a U.S. study.

How to distinguish good from bad diet?

There are dozens of diets different. Some are whimsical, others downright dangerous to health. How to Spot? What are the characteristics that should alert? Key benchmarks do not fall for it.

Know thwart the evil plans traps

The plans are always presented in their best sides. But some, it may seem tempting (5 kg in two weeks, without frustration with sugar or meat will, etc.) can be dangerous to health (nutritional imbalance, yoyo risk of loss because weight too fast, etc.).
It is therefore essential to choose the right diet, one that is effective in the long term, but also one that is best for you depending on your metabolism, the amount of weight to lose, your lifestyle etc.

First question to ask to distinguish between good and bad diets

This regime he removes one or more food groups?

Overweight men with fertility night

A new study of fertility fingertip the harmful role of overweight humans. The higher the weight, the faster the sperm decreases as sperm. In other words, a few simple measures, including weight loss, could improve the fertility of couples.

Excess weight: enemy of fertility

Already known in women, excess weight also affects male fertility. This demonstration is based on the monitoring of nearly 2,000 men, including the concentration of spermatozoa was correlated with their weight. Result, the higher the weight, the higher the quality of sperm decreases with a depletion in the number of sperm. Compared with men weight normal, the concentration of sperm decreases by 10% for overweight and 20% in patients with obesity. Note that the mobility of sperm also drops with obesity .

Good news, this phenomenon is reversible with weight loss. Thus, couples who have difficulties conceiving, derive profits to change certain behaviors: healthy, balanced diet to lose weight , stop smoking and alcohol, two other modifiable factors well known to affect fertility men and women ...