The thigh gap, the new dangerous teenage fashion

The thigh gap is a new mode that is to have the gap between the largest possible thighs.

But this morphology is rare and shows extreme thinness. The more a matter of getting anorexia nervosa.

But the eating disorders are "real" diseases with serious consequences.

A form of extreme thinness worrying

The thigh gap, which means a significant gap between the thighs, is a mode that comes from the United States and via Facebook and other social networks, gaining some young teenage French. Long food frustrations, restrictive diets, physical exercises targeted, rituals and other tests are in place to ultimately display the largest difference, supporting photographs posted on their blog, and access the club.

“The final stage of the competition is the test of the can of coke when both feet placed between the thighs, this one falls to the ground.”

Communities develop and compete. Everything is allowed to succeed, the most absurd advice circulating on the web, the girls will encourage and each tribe, we recruit new candidates.

The thigh gap affects girls more and more young people, pre-teen

This fad affects very young girls from college when they were 12-13 and their body just begins to turn. The breasts are accepted, but the lower body to remain youthful, formless, like the famous Barbie doll, but also the image conveyed by the mode via top models ... This is a way to identify with mannequins and people. It publishes photos of his thigh gap week after week next to that of the top model representing the goal.

But the gap thigh is also a way of belonging to a community, a phenomenon largely amplified by social networks.

Finally, this method to lose weight in your thighs and display extremely thin legs also corresponds to a desire to totally control his body.

The thigh gap: This obsessive tendency carries serious health risks

In this competition to the thinness, these girls abuse their bodies and put their health at risk.

The objective is placed so high, with a number of pounds to lose sometimes important that efforts are drastic and protracted in time.

The space between the thighs is a matter of morphology and the morphology is rare, hence the incredible effort required to successfully move closer to this ideal, a priori considered as a criterion of beauty. It should be understood that the space between the legs is less about weight than morphology question.

And as we do not have all that rare morphology, some girls are going to lose a lot of weight and muscle mass (even if they are rather slim at the origin) to make progress in the gap between their thighs. But only a very severe restriction is not compatible with the physiology can help to get there, and it is similar to anorexia. Now it is a "real" disease that puts health at risk. In France, 1-2% of adolescents are affected by anorexia nervosa, which represents some 70,000 girls and patients are becoming younger.

The thigh gap that grows preadolescent to display skeletal body is thus added to the list of eating disorders .

If risks are immediate (extreme fatigue, weakened health ...), others are coming up with such a compromised fertility and behavioral disorders persisting into adulthood.

“The worst part of this story is that in the end, the thigh gap mode is nothing but a way of trying to be socially accepted and to be in a standard ...”

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