The thigh gap, the new dangerous teenage fashion

The thigh gap is a new mode that is to have the gap between the largest possible thighs.

But this morphology is rare and shows extreme thinness. The more a matter of getting anorexia nervosa.

But the eating disorders are "real" diseases with serious consequences.

A form of extreme thinness worrying

The thigh gap, which means a significant gap between the thighs, is a mode that comes from the United States and via Facebook and other social networks, gaining some young teenage French. Long food frustrations, restrictive diets, physical exercises targeted, rituals and other tests are in place to ultimately display the largest difference, supporting photographs posted on their blog, and access the club.

Cholesterol and fats: learn how to read a label!

It is not always easy to make sense of the food set before us plenty, let alone when you have too much cholesterol.
How to be sure to identify products that contain fats and knowledge how much?
Here, deciphering labels is useful. Here is how you go about to read a label.

The role of diet in excess cholesterol

Our body, specifically our liver produces itself much cholesterol. However, our diet also brings. If it provides too, the rate of cholesterol increases and becomes too high.
Losing weight is a very effective way to lower cholesterol. It is then necessary to balance your diet and engaging in regular physical activity sufficient.
Supply side, the priority must be to reduce the intake of fat and saturated fat. Learning to read labels is particularly useful in this area, because in addition to visible fat say, there are so-called hidden fats.
Read more in my next article, thanks

Cycling and weight loss: there are few studies

Traditionally, the bike has quite a few inspired researchers to benefit the running when it comes to assess the impact on overweight and weight loss .

It must be said that the calculation of energy expenditure is relatively simple in terms of race: a calorie is expended per kilogram of body weight per kilometer. It may also be noted that many researchers are also frequent runners!

Against the weight, teens on the bike

In 2009, a team of Tunisian researchers deviated from this pattern and conducted a study of three groups of adolescents are overweight (42% from fat). Age is important!
The study was to prescribe cycling sessions in the first group of 18 subjects and comparing the weight loss with that of a second group (always 18) subject to strict low-calorie diet (500 calories less than of usual). A third equally important associated diet and cycling.

Also specify that the training consisted of four weekly sessions of one hour and a half of cycling to moderate. The study lasted two months (total of 32 sessions per person or 48 hours in the saddle)