Postpartum Belly - 7 Secrets to Losing Weight in Your Belly

If you have just given birth to a brand new baby - I have 2 things to say...the first is - CONGRATULATIONS! The second is - YES, there is hope for your poor stretched out belly! 

You are not alone and probably every new mom out there wants to know the secrets to getting their skinny bellies back. Well, I'm going to share 7 secrets to losing that post pregnancy weight - especially in your tummy area! Keep reading to find out more...

First, it's important that you understand that obesity is a problem in the United States. Why do I tell you this? Because this will affect you in a major way that can really trip you up in your weight loss adventure. What is this trip up? The miracle drug.

You know what I'm talking about - the next "miracle pill" that helps you lose weight, lose money, and then lose your life. This is not the answer.

I know you need to believe that there is some quick fix to getting rid of that belly fat - but the truth of the matter is - a great diet and exercise program will work the magic you are looking for - if you work it.

If you really want quick - you need a diet and exercise program that is designed SPECIFICALLY FOR NEW MOMS. This type of program will meet all your needs and more. It will focus on your belly fat, your tight schedule (new moms are constantly in need of more time!), and teach you how to prepare yummy meals that the whole family can enjoy.

And to really speed things up, take a look at these 7 secrets to start your weight loss adventure...

1. First and most importantly - CUT OUT THE SUGAR. Especially sugary drinks. If you will just stop drinking sodas and fruit juices, and drink water instead, you will see weight loss almost IMMEDIATELY! Water is so important to weight loss, and it is doubly effective when you drink it in place of sugary drinks. Once you get this under control, begin to cut back on other sugars - like cookies, cakes, white bread (yes this has sugar in it!) and any type of food made with white flour (pizza, pasta, you get the idea). I know this can be difficult at first, but start with one thing, find a healthy alternative, and then the following week take out another unhealthy choice and find a healthy alternative for that thing. The goal is to start making changes NOW and keep making small changes daily.

2. NO FAST FOOD! This is a must if you are going to see progress. Do not make excuses, do not allow yourself to think "I just don't have time" or "this one time won't hurt. Until you have the body you want, do not fall for this sweet talk. Fast food is a trap - and it will lure you in every time and then set you back. Always have a back up plan ready to go for those days you could be pressed for time and tempted to eat fast food. Make your alternative something you love, and decide what the plan is NOW so you are ready when the time comes.

3. CUT DOWN ON YOUR PORTION SIZES. Seriously, just halve what you normally eat - and then eat the other half as a snack 2-3 hours later. This will turn 3 healthy meals a day, into 6 healthy meals a day. This helps with weight loss because your body will burn smaller portions up faster - and the half you eat as a snack keeps you from getting hungry and helps you to more easily control those "in between meal" cravings.

4. After you've learned to take your portion sizes and cut them in half AND you reach a plateau in your weight loss - meaning you stop experiencing any weight loss - SLOWLY BEGIN TO MAKE SNACK SIZES SMALLER This does not mean you cut them out all together - this is a recipe for disaster - because you will begin to crave food again between meals. All you need to do is steadily begin to make your snack sizes smaller - to the point that you are burning off more than you actually eat. This is how you continue to lose weight.

5. BEGIN EXERCISING REGULARLY. This is key. Exercise requires energy, and energy requires fuel, which is stored on your body AS FAT! If you get anything out of this article - GET THIS! You must burn more energy than you store!! And the trick to getting rid of that postpartum belly fat is to FIND A WORKOUT THAT FOCUSES ON LOSING PREGNANCY WEIGHT GAIN!! Meaning, you want a workout program that is specific to NEW MOMS and their needs. This can truly be the difference between success and failure...because if your program does not meet a new mother's needs - you will not stick with it. So, look for a diet and exercise program that is made especially for new moms!

6. GET GOOD REST. Without good rest, you will begin to sabotage yourself. What I mean by this, is that you will feel tired, and moody. You will become negative about working out and your body will want to make up for your lack of energy by craving sweets, or other bad sources of fuel. This can turn into a vicious cycle, so recognize it when it happens and try to get good sleep.

7. MOTIVATE YOURSELF. This can be very tricky at times Studies have shown that one of the most successful ways of losing weight is to go through your experience with others just like you. However, new moms usually don't have time for meetings or get togethers with other new moms who are trying to lose weight - so a popular "meeting place" has become online forums or chat boards created just for dieting mothers. You never know when you might need additional support - and it sure helps to find out that there are others who are going through the same exact problems you are!

There you have it! 7 secrets to losing weight in your belly!

But wait, there's more... I saved the best secret for last!

If you'd like to check out a program I highly recommend, because it uses all of these secrets and more, check out this SPECIAL DIET AND THE 15 MINUTE WORKOUT designed ESPECIALLY FOR NEW MOMS - Just Go To: [] and you could be back into your skinny clothes in a just few weeks!

It's so easy to put things off or tell yourself "I'll check this out later" - but do it now.
Why not take a look at this program today? Hundreds of other moms checked it out and now have their flat bellies back!

To read more about post partum belly and what you can do about it - go to: Post Partum Belly and Lose The Baby Fat Belly Fast!

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