How To Get Skinny Fast - Seven Secrets to Speed Up Weight Loss

To get skinny fast, you will need to change how you eat. You must cut back on calories, but there is more to it than that. When and what you eat can make the difference between being able to get skinny fast or not. Here are some secrets to speed up your weight loss so you can get skinny fast!

1. Eat six small meals a day. Eating more often (especially when dieting!) is extremely important to get skinny fast. Eating often keeps your metabolism revved up, keeps food cravings at bay, and keeps your body from thinking you are in a famine. If you starve yourself, it will be much more difficult to stay the course because you will be hungry all the time.

2. Eat more than thirty minutes after cardio training. Cardio gets your metabolism going. If you wait a bit before eating after a cardio routine, your body will use the calories stored in your fat to fuel your ramped up metabolism. Fat just melts off!

3. Eat a combination of protein, complex carbohydrates and (good) fats at every meal. Balanced meals will help you feel fuller and are better for your body. Your body needs protein to build the muscle which increases your metabolism and carbohydrates for energy. Eating these foods together will keep your blood sugar level from spiking after meals.

4. Drink lots of water. Water is like magic when you are dieting. It keeps you feeling full. Your body uses the water to help remove toxins (I consider excess fat a toxin). When you have sufficient water moving through your body, these toxins are removed more easily.

5. Watch portion size. Here's a quick tip to check your portion sizes. A portion should be the size of your fist. So eat a portion of complex carbohydrate and a portion of protein at every meal.

6. Avoid these foods at all cost: Alcohol, white flour, white sugar, sodium, and processed foods. There are more foods to avoid, but these are at the top of the list. The more natural state your food is in, the better it is for you.

7. Give yourself a free day weekly. A free day helps you get through all the other days. It gives you something to look forward to. Plan your free day around special events, like birthdays and anniversaries. Eat what you want on this day. If you like to drink alcohol, this is the day to do it. When you are trying to get skinny fast, you are normally restricting calories. Your body might begin the "famine" response, slowing down your metabolism. Free days reassure your body that all is OK, keep that metabolism going!

If you follow these secrets, you will get skinny fast! Once you reach your weight loss goals, you can lighten up some, but you will never be able to go back to your old ways of eating. Make these secrets part of your everyday life and you will stay skinny!

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